Thursday, August 13, 2009

Concept for our game.

Team 5, start filling in the google doc with your ideas. I will flesh out the concept there more but you should have enough to work with.

The start of the game begins in a scenario King battling a hoard of orcs/monsters who are attacing the kingdom. The king isis well established with weapons, armour and special abilities. This is to show the player what the king is capable of and to develop him as a powerful and honorable leader. This scenario also serves as a tutorial level as it is easy for the king to bring down big monsters. This idea is influenced from prototype.

Once the King has defeated the monsters a cut scene shows the King being praised by his kingdom. The king has a twin brother who is bitter against the king and plots to kill him. The king makes a narrow escape, losing his abilities, his weapons, and his memory, to a distant land. The evil brother almost destroys the kingdom and the lands around it as he tries to force people to respect him.

Main Campaign
The player plays as the king stripped of his weapons and abilities. He also starts off with no goal or purpose as he has lost his memory. This allows the player to explore a little bit. After a set period, perhaps 1minute and 30seconds, or enough time for the player to be abit familiar with the surroundings a hoard of bandits begin to attack. The king travels back to the kingdom and fights more monsters along the way. He also gains good favor from the another race by helping them. The other race rewards him and he gains their alliance. The king finally returns to his kingdom more powerful than before and overthrows the evil brother.

What we need to work on from here are:
The details of the characters.
The details of the main campagin, such as the monsters/quests etc.
More details to the story line

It can be noted that the concept of the story is an adaptation of The Lion King / Hamlet plot.