Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Week 6 – Intentional Design of Digital Assets

Explore the exercise we did in class in more detail:

Choose a number of types of intent, i.e. emotions or underlying assumptions, that you might convey

in the presentation of content. For example: this is important to you, this is important to me, this is

boring, this is sad, this is exciting, etc. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_emotions for


Select any type of content, e.g. updates on a news site, and speak the content to a partner while

trying to convey one of the emotions/assumptions/intent. Look for visual content that generally

conveys such intent, e.g. Stop signs for urgency, etc.

Observe and note down the production methods you used/observed to convey the intent, listed with

the intent and the type of media. For example:

Intent (make someone feel or understand ...) Production (make it sound, look, etc...)

Important to me. (or audience) Strong, clear, well enunciated

Bored Slow pacing, even volume, maybe almost monotonous.

Happy Quick pacing, variable pacing, varying volumes and tones

Terror Quick pacing, Loud, Blury and dark

Unhappiness Slow pacing, with not too much light, the volume is low




Then play with creating a character convey particular types of intent through changing the visuals

and audio associated with it, based on your dictionary. For example footsteps intended to sound

Important, Bored, Happy, etc.